Sunday, March 22, 2015

Near the End

The time is drawing near for Carolyn to meet her Father in heaven.

Last Tuesday, was like any other day this last month. With the warmer weather, she was able to get out of the house and be out and about. But the next day she slept almost the entire day away and kept complaining that she couldn't seem to stay awake. Thursday was much the same with a lot of sleeping and little eating. Then on Friday she was not only sleeping and not eating, but the moments when she was awake she was more distraught than normal and confused about what was happening and had trouble expressing her thoughts. Saturday/Sunday she lost a lot of her mental capacities. She herself complained that she was losing her "senses" and having trouble keeping her bearings. To date, she can barely walk, doesn't eat, and is very confused altogether. She has a few moments of clarity here and there, but they are few and far in-between.

These last few months have had so many ups and downs and uncertainty around how long she has left. But if she continues at the rate she is now, we can't imagine that she has even a week left. Saturday evening she told us that she was going very very soon. It's interesting how people know when their last days are coming. When I had last updated you a few weeks ago that we thought she had days left ... she definitely didn't agree with us. Even though she was at that time sleeping all day, confused and in pain ... she'd wake up and we'd try to say our goodbyes and she would look at us like we were crazy. Well, this time is different. Now she is the one telling us that this is it and that she doesn't have much time left.

Please be praying that she will not experience any pain and that she will pass peacefully. I fear most that her confusion will cause her to twist thoughts in her head to think things were said that are not true, or think something happened that didn't occur. Please also be praying for Melissa, her girls, and I  ... as well as the rest of Carolyn's family that we will enjoy to the fullest our last days/hours/minutes with her.

Miraculously, she was able to muster up just enough strength on Saturday evening to make it to a performance at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. We didn't think she'd last 10 minutes, but she somehow made it to intermission. We know it was definitely her last time out of the house and a miracle that she was even able to go in the first place. It was the last item on her bucket list to attend a performance at the ISO. I'm so glad we were able to get out and create that one last memory together. She was so happy. <3


  1. I am praying for all of you, Kristen!

  2. Praying for you, May God's Peace be with you... We love you and will see you soon. Robert & Donna

  3. Oh how I have, am praying for dear sweet Carolyn. And for you Kristen and Melissa and your sweet children. May you sense God's sweet peace during these moments and hours. Lovingly, Jane Johnson
