Monday, June 3, 2013

Family Sunday Brunches

A note from Kristen ....

This past Sunday my Aunt Cindy hosted all of our family over for brunch. It's going to be a regular gathering for us so Mom can visit with her family as much as possible in the next year. Mad props to Aunt Cindy for hosting - it is no regular feat to get us all together in one place ... not to mention feeding us! Mom was 1 of 6 children so there are many cousins and aunts and uncles in the mix. We had a great time and were even blessed to have Mom's Aunt Janis and Aunt Lois (which are her mom's sisters) join us.


  1. Just want to say thank you, Carolyn, for showing many people how to walk through life. Having recently lost my younger brother to pancreatic cancer, it was a whole different story. He was a "die-hard" Christian, but when the diagnosis came, he "claimed a healing" and told God he would not accept it. Instead of using his crisis to point people to Christ, my favorite brother, once very loved by many, many people, died a very angry, lonely man; his children & wife did not get to experience what your family is experiencing. I so appreciate how you are dealing with this painful time in your life, and allowing so many of us to see what happens when we allow Jesus to be our life. Thank you, friend.

  2. Sweet friend... My heart breaks for all you are facing. My only JOY comes that in knowing Jesus is by your side and you are not alone. I do not understand the ways of the Father...I only know He has promised us strength for today and hope for tomorrow...

    I am praying for a miracle and for peace for you today. I am asking in Jesus' name for you to rise up and be healed...

    Your grace and beauty are like none I've ever seen...

    I'm trying to find a way to repost my Play List. Things have changed with music and my Mix Pod List ended (everywhere). So...I'm trying to figure things out. I miss it, too1

    Love you friend. xoxoRebecca
